The Amulet

Published on 2 August 2024 at 14:21

See, Nancy knew something no one else did. There was an ancient artifact hidden somewhere within this dinner. An artifact that, was said to gift anyone... with the gift of glamour. Imagine being able to convince anyone, that they are seeing something... of your own creation. Imagine how handy that could be if you literally look like the devil himself. Imagine how clueless these people were in their sheltered 50s lifestyle.

Nancy's eyes locked onto the figure, her mind racing with the implications. She knew that the artifact, a small golden amulet, was hidden somewhere in the dinner, and she suspected that the figure was after it. The amulet was said to grant the power of glamour, the ability to manipulate perception and bend reality to one's will. She wanted it for herself, so the new obstacles were annoying to say the least.

The figure, with its twisted features and unnatural presence, would be the perfect candidate to wield such power. Nancy could imagine the chaos and destruction that would ensue if it fell into the wrong hands.

"You'll never find it," Nancy said, trying to sound confident.

The figure chuckled, a low, menacing sound. "Oh, I think I will," it said. "You see, I have a bit of an advantage. I can smell your fear and desperation."

As the figure spoke, its eyes seemed to gleam, and Nancy knew that she had to act fast. She glanced around the room, trying to come up with a plan, but the patrons were frozen in fear, unsure what to do.

The dark figure speaks promptly yet slowly. "Call me Dr. Shadow. I'm willing to make a trade. I am quite talented in genetics." He pauses most likely for dramatic effect. " I'm will give everyone a cocktail of human enhancement drugs. Slower aging, higher IQ and more resilient healthy cells.

That's when one of the bikers speaks up " I damn sure don't wanna look like you Mr. Dr. Sir!"

The biker's comment breaks the tension, and the room erupts in a mix of nervous laughter and gasps. Dr. Shadow's expression remains unchanged, but its eyes seem to flash with annoyance.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my dear biker," the figure says, its voice dripping with condescension. "You see, the enhancements I offer would not alter your physical appearance. You would still be... recognizably human."

The figure pauses, surveying the room with an unnerving gaze.

"But, I must warn you, the process is not without risks. There may be... side effects. And, of course," he chuckled. "Sometimes women become more voluptuous and Men more endowed... there's also the small matter of the artifact. I want it, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get it."

Nancy steps forward, her eyes locked on the figure. "We don't know what you're talking about," she says, trying to sound convincing.

The figure chuckles again, the sound sending ice  through her vains. "Don't play dumb, Nancy. I know you know where it is. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Or maybe you'll want to take matters into your own hands, so I may give you a new lease on life. There's also the other option... I just let my jackals year into each one of you, until there's nothing standing in my way."

The room falls silent, the patrons exchanging nervous glances. The biker who spoke up earlier looks like he's about to say something else, but the overload of new information silences him.

Dr. Shadow's words hang in the air like a challenge, his eyes glinting with a malevolent disrespect. Nancy knows shes playing a game of chess and he almost has her at check mate. She must come up with a plan to outwit him and protect the artifact. She glances around the room, trying to read the expressions of the other patrons.

The bikers look like they're itching for the cocktail ready to just take that leap of faith. The young couple, Jack and Suzie, are frozen in fear, their eyes wide with terror. Gavin, the suit, looks like he's calculating the odds, trying to figure out the best way to get out of this alive.

Nancy's eyes lock onto Dr. Shadow, her mind racing with possibilities. She knows she can't let him get his hands on the artifact, but she also knows she can't take him down alone. She needs a plan, and she needs it fast.

"Let's hear more about this trade," Nancy says, trying to sound calm. "What exactly do you propose?"

Dr. Shadow smiles, his teeth glinting in the dim light. "Ah, Nancy. Always the pragmatist. I like that about you."

He pauses, surveying the room once more. "I propose that I give each of you the enhancement cocktail, and in return, you hand over the artifact. Simple, really."

The room falls silent again, the patrons exchanging nervous glances. Does she trust Dr. Shadow, or does she try to find another way out?

"Any volunteers?" He says in a howling tone.


Rating: 5 stars
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