The one constant

Energy, the force that's all around...A fundamental concept...never bound.               From kinetic to potential, it's always found...A measure of work, a quantity unbound.

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Beauty of apocalypse

Have you ever had a realization hit you like a tsunami's initial wave? Crashing against your soul's shoreline and ripping through your inner streets with unrelenting force. Your defenses crumble like skyscrapers in an earthquake, leaving you exposed even before the full flood arrives. I'm the kind of girl who senses the eerie stillness in the wind... the ominous retreat of the tide, and the whispers of change on the horizon. What does it even matter, anyway? I'm forever altered. Reshaped by the turbulent waters of insight. I'd rather not see the storm approaching, tragically, I was born with the sight, a curse and a gift that refuses to let me ignore the truth.

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Zombie lovers

What do you love, when love is beyond desire?Can you feel the passion that transcends the fire?Do you know the love that comes from above,

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Let us explore

Snap, you're uncomfortable. Yet, I yearn to know... How you grow, perennial.                Noticing this free will, a call to explore...           

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Empath to the world

I hold immense compassion.. for humanity,Understanding the torments life presents, with tender empathy.Each person's unique struggle varies in intensity.A constantly shifting landscape of challenge and growth.

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Beautiful culmination

A beautiful culmination, A synergy sublime, Where disparate minds converge, innovation aligns.The collective intellect, a virtuous cycle spins,

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